UFO Incident at the Santa Lucia Air Force Base Posted December 15, 2019 Robert BittoLeave a commentPosted in Otherworldly Phenomena In 1971 a teenage girl had a strange encounter with a UFO outside a Mexican Air Force base
The Alien Abduction of Salvador Villanueva Medina Posted April 24, 2017April 27, 2017 Robert Bitto6 CommentsPosted in Otherworldly Phenomena A Mexican taxi driver claimed to have been taken aboard an alien spacecraft in 1953.
UFOs Over Mexico Posted January 3, 2017January 3, 2017 Robert Bitto6 CommentsPosted in Otherworldly Phenomena The highlights of the UFO phenomenon as it relates to Mexico.
The Lechuza Posted June 27, 2016May 12, 2020 Robert Bitto62 CommentsPosted in Cryptids and Legendary Creatures A gigantic bird has been spotted in the skies of northern Mexico. What is it?