Marla, A Mexican Contactee Posted October 4, 2020October 4, 2020 Robert BittoLeave a commentPosted in Otherworldly Phenomena A housewife and mother of 10 became the most celebrated alien contactee in Mexico.
Alien Abduction in Acapulco, 1954 Posted January 13, 2020 Robert BittoLeave a commentPosted in Otherworldly Phenomena On a lonely mountain road a man met up with a group of blond aliens and boarded their flying saucer.
The Alien Abduction of Salvador Villanueva Medina Posted April 24, 2017April 27, 2017 Robert Bitto6 CommentsPosted in Otherworldly Phenomena A Mexican taxi driver claimed to have been taken aboard an alien spacecraft in 1953.
The Lechuza Posted June 27, 2016May 12, 2020 Robert Bitto62 CommentsPosted in Cryptids and Legendary Creatures A gigantic bird has been spotted in the skies of northern Mexico. What is it?