Legends from Sonora Posted June 1, 2020 Robert BittoLeave a commentPosted in Myths and Legends The Mexican state of Sonora has a diverse landscape and is home to many myths and legends.
Mothman Sightings in Mexico Posted July 22, 2019 Robert BittoLeave a commentPosted in Cryptids and Legendary Creatures Sightings of the legendary Mothman creature have been increasing in Mexico.
The Mexican Onza, Big Cat of Legend? Posted January 21, 2019May 12, 2020 Robert Bitto2 CommentsPosted in Cryptids and Legendary Creatures Does an unknown gigantic feline exist in the remote mountains of northwestern Mexico?
The Black Demon, Gigantic Shark of Mexico Posted December 24, 2018 Robert Bitto5 CommentsPosted in Cryptids and Legendary Creatures A huge black shark is said to have been spotted in Mexican waters. Myth or real?
The Huay Chivo Posted September 16, 2018 Robert Bitto1 CommentPosted in Cryptids and Legendary Creatures Mexican cryptid or just a legend? The Huay Chivo has been terrorizing people for centuries.
El Cuatlacas, the Other Mexican Bigfoot Posted March 26, 2018May 12, 2020 Robert Bitto1 CommentPosted in Cryptids and Legendary Creatures In the high pine forests of Puebla a large, hairy humanoid scares off intruders.
Cadejos: Gigantic Dogs of Good & Evil Posted August 13, 2017May 30, 2018 Robert Bitto4 CommentsPosted in Cryptids and Legendary Creatures In southern Mexico an unknown canine creature may exist. Friend or foe?
The Alux and the Chaneque, Mexico’s Elusive Elves Posted April 10, 2017 Robert Bitto7 CommentsPosted in Cryptids and Legendary Creatures Does a mythical race of magical humanoids exist in the remote areas of Mexico?
The Man-Bat of Northern Mexico Posted February 12, 2017February 12, 2017 Robert BittoLeave a commentPosted in Cryptids and Legendary Creatures A winged, dark humanoid creature has been spotted in northern Mexico. What is it?
José and the Skyfish Posted November 28, 2016 Robert Bitto7 CommentsPosted in Cryptids and Legendary Creatures José Escamilla has spent his whole life trying to explain these strange anomalies in the sky.
The Nagual Posted October 10, 2016May 12, 2020 Robert Bitto6 CommentsPosted in Cryptids and Legendary Creatures A snarling, upright feline/doglike creature has been spotted in Mexico for centuries. Is this a real animal?
The Lechuza Posted June 27, 2016May 12, 2020 Robert Bitto62 CommentsPosted in Cryptids and Legendary Creatures A gigantic bird has been spotted in the skies of northern Mexico. What is it?
The Sisismite: Mexico’s Jungle-Dwelling Bigfoot Posted April 18, 2016April 18, 2016 Robert BittoLeave a commentPosted in Cryptids and Legendary Creatures Does Mexico have its own version of Bigfoot? The answer is “yes.”