The Sisismite: Mexico’s Jungle-Dwelling Bigfoot
Three Mexican Legends About the Devil
The Lost Treasure of Emperor Maximilian
Did the Chinese Have Contact with Ancient Mexico?
Day of the Dead: An Overview
The Santa Muerte: Death Respected
Jesus Malverde: Rogue or Saint?
The Palenque Astronaut: Evidence of Ancient Alien Visitation?
The Chupacabra
The Virgin of Guadalupe: Mother of us All
La Llorona: Mexico’s Ditch Witch
La Llorona is one of the most powerful and enduring pieces of Mexican folklore. She haunts the canals, creek beds, rivers, arroyos and acequias of Mexico and the American Southwest. If you are a child growing up in any of these areas the story of La Llorona is more terrifying than any other ghost story and this story is older than anyone can remember.
The Magic of Milagros
Do you believe in miracles? Milagros are small metal charms in the form of body parts, animals, etc. They are traditionally used as small offerings of thanks but lately have had other uses: good luck charms, bought in anticipation of good things happening, craft decoration, jewelry, adornment for home altars. People have sworn by their use for centuries. In this podcast we will have a comprehensive discussion about milagro charms.