Was Thomas Edison Really a Mexican? Posted January 24, 2021January 24, 2021 Robert BittoLeave a commentPosted in Hodge Podge Some evidence suggest that the famous American inventor wasn’t American at all.
Aztlán Found? Mexcaltitlán Posted January 17, 2021 Robert BittoLeave a commentPosted in Ancient Mysteries A tiny fishing village on an artificial island in Nayarit may be the lost home of the Aztecs.
Iztaccíhuatl and Popocatépetl Posted January 10, 2021 Robert BittoLeave a commentPosted in Myths and Legends Two volcanoes have played an important part of Mexican mythology for thousands of years.
Matlazihua: Demon Woman of Oaxaca Posted January 3, 2021 Robert BittoLeave a commentPosted in Cryptids and Legendary Creatures Legend or genuine evil presence? The story of the Matlazihua has persisted for thousands of years.
Pánuco, Forgotten Spanish Colony in Mexico Posted December 28, 2020 Robert Bitto2 CommentsPosted in Little-Known History Once a prosperous region, the colony of Pánuco burned out in a few short decades.
Sinaloa, Land of Legends Posted December 20, 2020 Robert BittoLeave a commentPosted in Myths and Legends On Mexico’s Pacific coast, the state of Sinaloa is home to many legends. Here are 4.
Cuetlaxochitl, aka Poinsettia Posted December 13, 2020 Robert BittoLeave a commentPosted in Hodge Podge Called the cuetlaxochitl by the ancient Mexicans, the poinsettia has a long and little-known history.
The Mystifying Rock Art of Burgos, Tamaulipas Posted December 6, 2020 Robert BittoLeave a commentPosted in Ancient Mysteries Nearly 5,000 ancient images exist on the walls of caves and ravines in a remote part of Tamaulipas.
Calakmul, Kingdom of the Snake Posted November 29, 2020 Robert BittoLeave a commentPosted in Ancient Mysteries One of the largest and most mysterious ancient Maya cities is still covered in jungle and rarely visited.
Geronimo in Mexico Posted November 23, 2020 Robert BittoLeave a commentPosted in Little-Known History Legendary Apache leader Geronimo spent much time in Mexico & had deep feelings about its country and people.
Legends from the State of Colima Posted November 15, 2020November 15, 2020 Robert BittoLeave a commentPosted in Myths and Legends The small Mexican state of Colima is home to many legends.
The Black Christ of San Roman Posted November 15, 2020 Robert BittoLeave a commentPosted in Religious Curiosities Since 1565 a mysterious black Christ figure has been worshiped in Campeche.