The Mesoamerican Ballgame Posted February 27, 2017 Robert Bitto2 CommentsPosted in Ancient Mysteries The world’s first team sport originated in the jungles of ancient Mexico 3,600 years ago.
Maya Astronomy, the Flat Earth and the Infinite Universe Posted January 30, 2017January 30, 2017 Robert Bitto3 CommentsPosted in Ancient Mysteries The ancient Maya were quintessential stargazers. What did they believe about the earth and the universe?
The Gigantic Atlantean Statues of the Toltecs Posted October 24, 2016 Robert Bitto3 CommentsPosted in Ancient Mysteries In the ancient city of Tula, colossal statues stand guard. What are they?
The 2012 Doomsday and the Maya Calendar Posted September 26, 2016September 26, 2016 Robert Bitto3 CommentsPosted in Hodge Podge According to the ancient Maya was the world really supposed to end in 2012?
Vikings in Ancient Mexico? The Story of Votan Posted September 12, 2016May 12, 2020 Robert Bitto32 CommentsPosted in Ancient Mysteries Did a Viking land in Mayan Mexico over 1,000 years ago?
Ancient Mexico and the Monuments on Mars Posted June 5, 2016June 5, 2016 Robert Bitto3 CommentsPosted in Otherworldly Phenomena, Uncategorized Are there monuments on Mars? How do they relate to Ancient Mexico?
The Writing of the Ancient Maya: A History in their Own Words Posted May 16, 2016May 16, 2016 Robert BittoLeave a commentPosted in Ancient Mysteries A beautiful writing system emerged from the jungles of Mexico over 2,000 years ago. Here is its story.